6 SEO Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your WordPress Site

Proper SEO practice determines your Search Engine rankings. On the contrary, if you fail to implement the right SEO recommendations, your site may lose its performance over time. But then, knowing what to do when and when to apply, it is the heart of proper SEO practice.

To some web owners, inadvertently doing some things may prove to be very costly mistakes. Therefore, for you to use SEO tactics for the benefit of your site, you need to know some of the most common mistakes that people commit.

Once you understand these errors, it will be easy to avoid them in the future.

Publishing poorly-written content

You must have seen sites that have screaming headlines but poor content. It is common to land on pages that contain very appealing headlines only to realize that the content is not up to standards!

The common denominator for all such sites is that the owners have ignored the kind of content that they publish on them.

For such sites, the owners believe that they do not have to invest a lot of time and effort in developing proper content for their viewers.

It happens that content is an important determiner of the quality of any site. You must have seen sites that have well-researched and wonderfully-written content.

For such sites, it is easy for people to read the content, and even leave comments indicating how relevant the content is.

For you to keep your site in good books with search engines and even your users, you need to remember these two magical words concerning your content: relevance and usefulness.

Make sure that you get the right person to write the best and relevant content for your site.

Ignoring the time zone setting

The internet has been designed to address the time zone differences among users. Besides, every website has its primary audience that the owner seeks to attract.

One of the most common mistakes that website owners commit when setting up and even optimizing their sites is forgetting to set the time zone.

The timezone settings help you to schedule your posts and ensure that they get published at the right time.

An excellent example of how using wrong time zone settings on your site may undermine its SEO performance can be well understood by considering the example of a blogger.

If you have a blog that is primarily read by people who are in Central Africa, for example, then you may schedule some posts to coincide with the time that most people are online and looking for content.

However, if you time zone settings of your site correspond to the Eastern Time, then it means that your content will auto-publish at odd hours.

Thus, you will be uncoordinated with the behavior of your users. To address this challenge makes sure that you adjust the time zone settings of your site.

Ignoring social metadata

There is a raging debate about the importance of social media to the SEO performance of websites.

On the one hand of the divide is the argument that there is no direct relationship between social media and search results. Therefore, believers of this point of view argue that you do not have to invest a lot of time in optimizing your site for social media usage.

On the other hand of the divide is the argument that social media can help to influence your SEO performance, although not directly.

It is argued that social media can be a useful source of traffic to your site and conversions. Thus, many people who use social media say that if you maintain your presence on such sites, you can end up boosting the performance of your website concerning the number of people who visit it and the reach of the content.

For practical purposes, it is necessary to create and maintain your profiles on leading social media sites.

Also, you can use critical social media tags to ensure that your site is integrated into the standard social media platforms that are in place.

Failing to do this may deny you high traffic from leading social media platforms. Therefore, although integrating social media into your site will not immediately boost your SEO performance, it will, during the time, improve it.

Not having an SEO strategy

Some website users do not have a comprehensive SEO strategy. Failing to develop and adopt an SEO strategy can be a huge mistake because of several reasons.

One, a good SEO strategy will give you a roadmap of where you are from and the direction you need to take.

If you lack it, you may end up using an ad-hoc approach to optimize your site I the false hope that this approach will boost your rankings.

Two, not having a comprehensive strategy in place means that you cannot know whether you are achieving your objectives or not. Therefore, if you do not have an SEO strategy, you may not measure the progress of your SEO performance over the course of time.

Consequently, you need a comprehensive SEO plan in place for you to achieve the benefits of proper SEO practice.

Ignoring everything related to SEO

Some web owners believe that you can easily ignore all the complicated things related to SEO and still get satisfactory results.

However, having such a belief can be damaging in several ways. If you ignore everything related to SEO, you may end up being penalized by Google. Some of the SEO work is purely for housekeeping purposes and not necessarily to benefit you as the owner of the site.

If you ignore such necessary things like using the right meta tags, researching on keywords and building relevant links, you may end up getting penalized by search engines because your site will fail to meet the basic standards of quality.


In summary, these are the six most severe and common SEO mistakes that owners of websites commit. Failing to optimize sites, using poor-quality content, and ignoring social media may undermine the overall quality of your site.

Also, not setting your time zone and not having an SEO strategy can make you lose all the potential benefits related to using proper SEO tactics
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